The entire month has been one giant, not being able to get to work on Mugen, month. So yea, as I figured in the last post, September has been really busy for me. Not much is there to talk about with Toph. But I DID take care of a few things. I'm working in Blender and vastly improving my 3D character creation skills.
I was able to knock out her Intro 2 and Victory 2 animations. Her Intro 2 had about three different versions and after realizing how much more time it would have taken to make it, which would have been a couple of months just for one animation I hated doing, I did something I never do. I quit making it. It was probably the best decision I could have made for it, because when I started fresh on a new animation victory 2, the idea came to me on how to get the cabbages reference in there. It's simpler to make and it looks better. Win win. Victory 2, was done pretty fast. It only took a total of maybe 5 or 6 hours.
It's two animations for an entire month, but I'm glad they're done. Usually it takes me a month or two to make all the victory and intro animations for a character anyway. I will still probably change her idle animation from her standing there, to her southern praying mantis stance. Even if it doesn't work out and I don't end up using it, it's there in case I'll need it for later. I still need to change her jump sprite too.... One crisis at a time.
For October, her next animation is her taunt animation. I already have reference for it and I tried making it back in August, but I wasn't feeling it. The animation itself is subtle anyway. But afterwards, all of her expressive animations will be done, and it's focus is straight on attacks. It also occurred to me recently that I don't have my stages on this site for downloading. I should get those on here... the hell is wrong with me?