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Toph is Halfway Done!

Just want to announce that Toph's animation list is halfway finished. Of course, when I measure progress, it's not accurate to the amount of work that still needs to be done for her, just the number of animations in total that I need to make as a whole. Based on that measurement I always have for myself, for every character I make, she's currently 54% done. That's 56 animation total, and 30 complete. Once she hits the 100% mark, I still need to make a lot of the earth and smoke effects. Some animations are longer than others though, so it's not an exact measurement. But it's the one I use.

I did skip over a couple of very long animations (her second intro and second victory animation) and her taunt. I'll take care of those later but for now I just wanted to make some progress. I feel like it's been much slower than it should have been but that's been this whole month. I expect next month to be much busier for me in and out of Mugen creation. I also thought of a great idea for an app for my twitch that I want to implement in time.

Anyway, I finished 3 of Toph's attack animations, not including the Earth being weaponized, as well as her victory 1 and intro 1 animations. Her damaged and recovery animations are also all done. I expect to finish up her other intro, victory and taunt animation in September, and probably a couple more of her basic attacks if not all of them.

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