The month of September consisted mostly of flushing out Raven's attacks so they would flow well with each other, fixing bugs and tightening animations. Basically, a lot of tiny things that added up to the character being in beta stage, was resolved so that now she's fun to play with. I also worked on some effects and added in a few additional moves.
The sound effects took longer than I had anticipated, to the point that it was admittedly irritating, largely due to working on her sounds before and after leaving for work. The last day I had off, I spent fixing the direction of the portal during her intro, as it changed directions after she exited. In addition to recording, converting, editing applying and coding each sound, it was quickly obvious that every sound needed to be amplified quite a bit. I spent the last night of September doing just that.
As for her hypers, they themselves are complete. I didn't think the bus hyper would work out, but after mimicking the animation speed and flash effect of the show, it quickly became my favorite move for Raven, right up there with her shockwave attack. The last change that stands out as her mugen developer is her taunt. Before, she growled with red eyes. But it wasn't until I used the sound of a growling jaguar that it really fit into place, and it makes me laugh.
As for the final month leading up to her release, I will spend the first weekend flushing out her A.I., setting power bar requirements, and fixing a couple of minor bugs. After that, just polishing her up more, and having fun developing her privately before I let her out into the world haha.