In the short span of one month, Raven has gone from 10% done to 85% done. That's a rough estimate of course. But all of her main sprites are complete. I have one or two sprites I intend to create in photoshop just to make her look better instead of applying different attacks to the same sprites. It's something I can technically get away with since it's often different forms of the same magic laser attacks, but it's better to keep her movements diverse to sell her individuality more. The next task after that is to re-check the sprites for any mismatched colors that are blending in too well for the human eye, but not for the program, (which in turn affects palette options). After that, sprite sheet, palette establishment, animation set up and coding. Following that is the final stages of the character development - sound effects and AI. I don't think I'll have as much of a problem with the A.I. as I did with Alucard simply because I know what I'm looking at, for the most part.
I get the feeling that not many people were too happy with my choice to pursue Raven HD for the next fighter. I did it for a few reasons. One, I knew she'd be a fast project. Two, I wanted an easier project since Alucard took so long. Three, I thought it would be cool to release her on Halloween just like I did with Alucard. Four, I wanted a girl character. And finally, five, all the other Ravens suck in terms of visual quality.