I can't express how giddy I am that Link is complete. I started his first animation last year of August and finished his final animation last night, February 1st. That's already 6 months long. It'll take me another 3 months at least to finish Link in Fighter Factory so he's actually playable. that's an 8 month project at least. He's easily the longest Mugen project I've ever done. AURON, took me 6 months to complete entirely, including the coding, trailer, animation, sound effects, and AI. A lot of shifting around with the moveset happened with this character, as well as what I actually completed. It didn't seem like it at the time but it's been a bit of a roller coaster. I've never had to jump around the animation list before so it felt like untested waters much of the time.
The month of January was the complete opposite of December. December was all about Midna animations, with a couple of Link sprites at the end of it. January was all about Link. I completed his neutral attacks, crouch and aerials, extra crouch and aerials for one per button, specials and hypers. I even had time to make a couple of extra Midna animations just to make things a bit... flashy, at the end of the month. The hypers weren't as difficult as I thought they'd be to animate, not that they were easy either. Now that it's all over, I plan to make one or two more quick animations, and I still need to include the sword swooshing effects during attacks. It'll all be taken care of this month, hopefully in the next week when I have more time off.