It seems to be a long time ago since I released Lara but it's only been a few weeks. Reception was unfortunately weak and her A.I. seems to be the easiest to defeat out of the four I have made. I'm fine with that since she still poses a challenge to human players, all of her problems have been flushed out and she plays smoothly. I'm also not worried about the AI because every game needs an ascension with difficulty. And hey, she makes a T-Rex appear which is easily the coolest move I have for her.
Unfortunately, when I was half-way through making her, someone released a KOF Lara Croft that looked pretty cool. So... shit. That was a waste of time. Now I'm making her just to finish a project. Good thing ours is different enough in gameplay and style. But I wonder if that's part of the reason why reception was weak for her to begin with. Who knows? I finished her and she's a pretty cool addition to Mugen.
I'd say I lasted about a week before I finally caved and began work on Link from The Legend Of Zelda. I remade his idle animation and, WOW! He looks incredible. When I made Alucard, I didn't choose Link because I didn't want to make another failed or mediocre Link to Mugen, and I was still new to this. When I made Auron, I didn't choose Link because a friend of mine was already working on it, and I didn't want to shove mine in at the same time. I'm currently working on his walk animation, so he's very bare bones right now. The new version of Link I made looks way, way better, and is easier to draw.
Aside from the next character, I also made a stage for Raven finally. A scene straight out of the Teen Titans show was all I needed, and it's a blast to play on. And because I now have 4 characters, I can finally watch an AI battle in a 2 vs 2 fight with only the characters I have made. So I recorded it on Raven's new stage and posted it on Youtube. The result was chaos. Delightful, Mugen, chaos.