Progress is still a bit slow with Garrus, but to be honest he is generally going to be a very slow project, because every sprite will take a long time. I did finish one animation for him which is his quick punch animation. It will be the rapid short attack. For those familiar with it, you'll know it's statedef 200. I had attempted this animation in January, but it wasn't working out at the time. Still, Garrus went from 5% to 7% in Feburary.
I have addressed other issues with two of my other characters however, Raven and Toph. For Toph, there was a problem with Fighter Factory where it would ignore her AI code I added in for her blocking. It does that sometimes and without explanation, but it's really annoying. The only way to fix it, is to retype what's being ignored. It can be a challenge because there's no indication it's being ignored. But that section of the code results in the character ignoring it or even doing some really spammy stuff out of nowhere. Usually I just copy/paste the blocking code from my other characters but with Toph, it did NOT like that. Luckily it's only a few lines of code so once I typed it in, it was fine. In addition to her blocking, I also made a modified version of one of her pillars for her pillar shockwave special, so that it's a bit wider. That way you don't have to be so precise when using it. I made it a slower animation too for fairness.
For Raven, I've periodically gotten some mentions that I don't acknowledge Trigon. So I updated her and it includes a win animation with Trigon's eyes complaining to Raven to let him free and she says, "no." People want a hyper of Trigon, but doing that makes no sense. Raven's whole thing is to contain Trigon. She doesn't have the ability to use him at her leisure or even with great effort. Making him a hyper would betray the character. It would make more sense to have an intro of Raven losing control and you play as Trigon, except that I'm not making Trigon. We already have a decent Trigon in Mugen.