The month of February has been all about Auron for me, building him up in Fighter Factory. The animations, projectiles and code took up all of my time. As expected, his A.I. was pretty simple. I think the most difficult part of Auron outside of coding was sampling the very limited, precious vocal lines I could get away with sampling without including background noise. Within coding, the most difficult was easily his sin scale helper. I had to limit how many could be spawned and if one already was, what does Auron do instead? It felt off to have it be, nothing. So I used the ale spit attack I made up for him to use, in that event.
It took 3 different attempts to make Sin, and the 3rd I was going to make it or break it. The latter occurred, though not without a massive amount of time spent on my end in photoshop. His Break specials were also very difficult to get down correctly, because I needed to limit the amount of times it could be used per match (1 per match, each). I also ended up make Braska's Final Aeon as a second hyper after all.
Aside from Auron, I decided that it would still feel incomplete if I didn't include a stage for him and make Otherworld play, which is exactly what I did. It took 17.5 hours of work to make the stage in Photoshop, and about 4 hours to build the stage in Fighter Factory. I had already looped the track, Otherworld, while considering this, but was yet married to the idea. Making it was a massive pain, but I'm glad I did because it really sells him as a character to take notice of. Auron will be released this month, and I'm happy to have finally completed him.